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We stand behind the Swiss YES!



Scott Santens posted A petition for the world to show their support for a YES vote in Switzerland

A recent follower of mine on Twitter actually asked if this existed, and it didn’t, so I went ahead and created one. It would be amazing if this petition was able to get enough support that it actually helped better show Switzerland just how intently the world is watching them and their upcoming vote on basic income on June 5th

Please share widely!

P.S. By the way, I will actually be in Switzerland for the vote. I’ll be landing there on June 3rd and flying back on June 8th to help with media coverage both before, during, and after the BIG vote.

A petition for the world to show their support for a YES vote in Switzerland
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On the 15th of may 2016 Basic Income activists in Switzerland – the same ones behind the upcoming vote on June 5th – set a new Guinness world record for the largest poster. On this poster was printed what I think is the most important question of our time, and if that wasn’t enough, that question was then also displayed tonight in New York’s Times Square for a half hour.
From Switzerland to the US, from Finland to Namibia, from Canada to the Netherlands, this idea knows no national boundaries. It is a question for all of us, everywhere. We can change the world together. It can be done. It can be done because of people showing this kind of passion for what must be done, and working together all over the world to see it gets done.
What will you do with your basic income? How will it affect your life? Let’s start thinking about our answers together, because it’s coming. This is the next giant leap for humankind. Stay tuned for one hell of a century.
The Swiss movement posed the question “What Would You Do If Your Income Were Taken Care of?”
Nearby, we find the words “Citizen” and “Awesomeness”. Are these good answers. (We are sure a few would also visit Pittsburgh or invest in the Nasdaq…)‬ ‪#‎basicincome‬ ‪#‎grundeinkommen‬